The Importance of Inspiration - by melissa
Who inspired you to reach for your dreams?

When I was a child I was lucky to see my mom reaching for her dreams. Constantly stepping outside her comfort zone and stretching to achieve her goals. I also had my dad who pushed me to jump off the higher cliff or hike the longer trail, motivating me all the way. I know that is how I ended up here, striving to reach my dreams.

Inspiration directs us to our dreams

What I believe is that inspiration is one of the most important parts of walking towards our dreams. If you can inspire someone to keep going, to dig deeper or to try something new, you can change a life.
Sometimes even a smile at the right time can be enough inspiration to keep us going through the day. It does not have to be a lifetime of inspiration, like my parents. You could help someone get through a creative block by throwing out some new ideas or give someone words of encouragement inspiring confidence in them to succeed at their goals.

It doesn’t matter how big or small, be one of the most important parts of dream fulfillment-INSPIRE someone today!

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