To Spread The Word
category Community , Altruistic , Self Improvement , Education

My dream is that Wild and Wise Women goes viral! That we are known throughout the world as a safe space to be seen, to be heard, and in community impact the world as we impact our own worlds one by one, step by step. My dream is to grow the community 10x what it is today by sharing it with our family and friends and urging them to Pass It On.
We are offering FREE subscriptions to our website in honour of One Billion Rising, and Wild and Wise Women everywhere. My dream is that this site is the gathering ground for thousands of men and women to come together in safe space, to be seen, to be heard, and together share, learn and grow.
This will be a site to access experts in their fields (maybe you are one) master classes, enlightenment, love and kindness, community, teaching and learning. A space for contribution, for collaboration, for everyone. A space where we actually interact with one another, and CELEBRATE!
A safe space to walk your journey and to find like-minded, heart-centred, value driven individuals who understand the value of a simpler way - a kinder and more compassionate way.
My first dream is to get the word out ... there are more dreams that follow that. :) Maybe YOU can help.
My name is Christa Thompson & I am the Founder & Creator of Wild & Wise Women. We have a Facebook page of over 24,000 - website with nearly 700 members - blog http://bit.ly/XtDUpo, and Twitter account (wildandwisewmn). I have accomplished many things including: being a partner & COO of a large business with over 2.3 million dollars in revenues, am a Certified Dream Coach, Certified Group Leader & member of the Founders Circle for Dream University. I am a singer/songwriter with my song Whisper Your Name on iTunes & Amazon. AND ... I am a mother, daughter, sister, lover, friend, mentor who is looking to BE more than I DO from here on in.