dream [drēm] verb
1) A condition or achievement that is longed for; an aspiration.
2) One that is exceptionally gratifying, excellent, or beautiful.
Posting a Dream is free! As a member of the Dream Networks community, you are able to post anything you can dream of – as long as it is respectful of others.
You will create a Dreamer Profile using your own words, pictures and video to describe your dream and promote it. You will advocate your dream by sharing it online with your existing networks, and using a blog to post about your progress.
Your dreams will be nurtured. As members of the community see your dreams and believe in them, they will share inspiration, ideas and resources with you. Dreamers and helpers alike are encouraged to advocate each others dreams by sharing them online with their extended networks.
We also encourage you to see how you might be able to help someone out with your own special set of skills and experiences. No matter what your dream is or what have to offer, Dream Networks is a place to showcase people’s dreams and just how radical they are!
You’re about to embark on a journey of discovery and endless possibility – are you ready?