


HelpfullEarthFarm sharing building group sustainable organic permaculture farm/healing retreat/artisans workshop

category Community

For more than 10 years this labor of love has been my passion as I have been preparing this place on the land to be of service as a learning teaching discovering retreat. I dream of sharing this passion as the time of the lone wolf is over and it is now time to play together. I see this vision of a organic sustainable permaculture farm healing retreat with artisans workshops as a place where young of all ages may join together. I have been collecting the pieces to a puzzle that will only make a true picture if we build it together Growing food, saving seeds, sharing our gifts and learning with each other on this 40 acre sunny energetic  view location. Wisdom passed on to eager young minds as we heal through the coming changes that are already present around us. I dream of helping hands of young recieving "knowledge" passed down from our gifted elders and that the future shows examples where they proudly are part of our farms ( not ending up in supervised storage units). Whole foods replace processed foods in our diets giving all strengthened immune systems and healthy minds to rise to the challenges as we detoxify on our path back to true health. I dream here we may show each other our connection, hand in the soil, seeds to harvest and beyond. How to choose and combine components of our meals to suit our different needs, fueling our cells with benifit before such knowing is lost in an ever busy and confusing wolrd of convienience. I dream that our food forest and edible landscape become that which sparks a trend where Knowing and Quality ( choices of practiced wisdom) are chosen over Quantity and Low price ( as cleverness may lead to only short term gain). Where we share our Artisan skills and Healing modalities and recover our 3 dimentional identities( integration of both sides of brain and body) in an ever busy 2 dimentional world ( flat surface focus like staring at books, game screens, phones and computors) all of which have a usefull place in balance. I dream we hear ourselves ,listen to others and walk the walk we dream of ( and dreams that we dare to dream really do come true). please listen to Eva Cassidy's version of some where over the rainbow and come for a visit...paul


Definitely a Dreamer, holding a vision of playing in this 40 acre "sandbox" with like minded lovers of our mother earth. Building the "foundations" of a eco-friendly sustainable organic farm and healing retreat has been my passion.( though I have left many aspects of this passion in stages) Yearning to bring them to fruition yet realizing sharing has rewards far greater than being the "lone wolf". Wishing to be part of a team, trusting my ideas and labors of love on this land are part of a bigger picture. Wholistic nutrition,Permaculture farming, Artisans blend and Healing modalities are my main facets, and collecting pieces to this puzzle.